Have you ever tried to put something in someone’s hands while they are clenched tightly onto something else? It is not an easy task. When we hold tightly onto what we have, without giving back to God and others, it is difficult for God to give us anything new. However, when we open up our fists, it puts us in a better place for God to bless us. Generosity and gratitude are ways we open our hands and acknowledge we only have what we have because of God’s blessing.
God does not need our money, as Psalm 50:12 says, “If I were hungry I would not tell you, for the world is mine, and all that is in it.” However, He cares very much about how we view wealth. Whether we feel that we have what we have because we deserve it, or if we understand that he will supply all of our needs. Opening our hands, transfers the responsibility of meeting our needs from us to God. It changes the way that we pray. It allows us to trust Him to provide for us.
When I first read the word “floodgates” I thought of uncontainable wealth. I thought of all the ways God has blessed me. The times when I wasn’t sure how I would have enough, and God blessed me above what I needed. When things just “happened” to work out in my favor. However, I believe these verses are promising much more than wealth. They are promising God’s blessing and presence. This is what we are witnessing every week at the Well. We are seeing people join God’s family in such numbers that our walls can barely hold them. God is mending marriages and families. He is healing the sick and rebuilding lives that had fallen into ashes. That is the power of God’s rich blessing.
Dearest Father, forgive me for the times I don’t recognize the many ways in which You have blessed me and those around me. Open my eyes to see all the time and spaces you have provided and continue to care for me, my family and community. Help me to hold what You have given me lightly so I can trust you more and lean into something much more precious, your presence. Thank you most of all for taking the consequences for my sins. Thank you for wanting to know and care for me so much. Draw me closer to You today. Amen.