This Good Friday, The Well will host a Stations of the Cross experience for you and your whole family!
Join us for two open house services that will be immersive, reverent, and reflective, allowing you to walk through Jesus’ final hours and engage with the story of his in a personal way.
There are two time slots for you to walk through the Stations of the Cross experience on April 18th. Choose to come any time between 11 AM – 1 PM or between 4 PM – 6 PM.
Here are a few things to be aware of:
- This will not be a usual worship service. You will be guided through a series of illustrations and experiences at our campus.
- Each time slot will be open house and you can arrive at any time to go through the stations. Please arrive with plenty of time before the end of each time slot to complete all of the stations.
- There will be a unique experience for your children in The Well Kids building.
- Check back on this page often. More info on the Stations of the Cross coming soon.
The Well Church is located at 800 E 9400 S, SANDY, UT 84094.