please note

Kids Check-In closes 15 minutes after the start of each service to ensure a safe and effective environment for the kids and the team. Please make sure to arrive on time so that your kids are able to participate in our awesome Kids Ministry!


Register your kids at the link below!

  1. Fill out the first portion with the adult info
  2. Click “add adult” and “ and child” for each family member
  3. Read through our policies below

On the Sunday of your first visit come to our “Hello Desk”, located in the lobby of our kids building which is east of the main building, to print your tags, meet our team, and learn the process for dropping off and picking up your kids.

Each of our classrooms are numbered and will correspond with the room number on your child’s tag:

  • Room 1 – 1 yr olds (or babies through 2yrs)
  • Room 2 – 2 yr olds
  • Room 3 – birth – 11 months
  • Room 4 – Overflow
  • Room 5 – Preschool/Kinder (3yrs – Kinder)
  • Room 6 – Preschool/Kinder (3yrs – Kinder)
  • Room 7 – Club 56 (5th and 6th graders)
  • Room 8 & 9 – Elementary
  • Depending on the service you attend, the age groups may vary.

We are deeply committed to the safety of every child and every team member in our kid’s ministry. Your child can only be picked up by using the matching tag you received when you checked in. If you misplaced your tag, please go to the Hello Desk. 

It is our heart to create an environment where all children can be successful and safe.  Please share any medical, behavioral, social, learning or other needs that your child may have with someone at our Hello Desk and a team member in your child’s classroom!

Please see our policy section on the check-in form for more information.

  • On your next visit you can enter your phone number at the kiosk to print your tags. Check the tag to see which classroom your child will be in.
  • Remember to keep your phone on you so we can reach you if your children need you for any reason!
  • Make sure to stop by one of our Next Steps areas in our main lobby to connect with us!
  • We are an allergen-free space so we ask that no outside food be brought besides bottles for babies. Please indicate if your child has an allergy in the medical section of the registration. Make sure to let the team member in your child’s class know each week as well.
5th & 6th graders!

Club 56 is a class that we offer during the 8:30 AM and 1:00 PM service each week. It is a bridge between Elementary ministry and Youth ministry. The setting and topics are more mature than in Kids but not to the level and depth of topics discussed in Youth. Parents will check in their 5th and 6th graders in the Kids building and drop them off at Room 7.  As a class, they walk over to join the main service for Worship and then return to their classroom. Make sure to arrive a little bit early because they walk over right at 8:30 AM and 1:00 PM! Club 56 is also invited to join Youth on the 3rd Wednesday of each month for One Nite. It’s an evening of fun, food, worship, and a message.

For more information about Club 56, email or

join the team!
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the well kids curriculum

What Will My Child Learn?

From Nursery-6th Grade, your child will experience worship, a connection with Jesus, and Bible teaching at his or her developmental level.  All of our classes use the same theme, message, and scriptures each week just at their own level.

We use Hyfi curriculum for all of our classrooms 1yrs – 6th grade. We love that all of the kids in your family are learning the same Bible Story, monthly Simple Truths and verses, and weekly Main Ideas, taught in age-appropriate ways! This promotes incredible opportunities for family discussions at home! Follow us on social media for weekly conversation prompts relating to what your kids are learning on Sundays.

family resources

Our team has gathered a list of resources to address various needs, which you can find at the link below. While we recommend these resources and services, please note that The Well is not affiliated with these organizations. This resource is provided to help individuals find support, and we encourage everyone to conduct their own research before seeking assistance.